Blog 5.5: Hello, I'm Terrified, What's Your Name?

Part I: I'm Sorry

I am an idiot.

This project will be a secret until the TED Talk so sorry, no pictures.

But here's an idea:
I tried to make trees


The cardboard trunks cardboard.

The leaves and stuff are made of balloons.

It took me a very long time to blow up 75 balloons.

5 whole packs of balloons.

I am quite literally short of breath.

here's a visual since I'm depriving you of the actual progress I have made in order to surprise and hopefully impress at my TED Talk

There are also two pillars I made of cardboard and another secret material.

Weee help me.

Also, I've been keeping another little secret from you guys....that will be revealed in my TED Talk too.

oooo the suspense

Part II: Que the Nervous Laughter

So the TED Talk....
yea that's coming up soon. a little too soon

If you guys haven't been asleep for the past 7 months, then you would know the fact that 

It isn't exactly my forte.

Most of them have resulted in sheer panic. 

I end up talking way too fast.

And I forget an entire section of the script I had wrote.

I wish I was a good presenter.

At least with this one I won't have to be on stage in front of many people.

Oh wait, that's exactly what this is.

This was just my update blog.

You didn't have to read this.

Kk bye see you at my TED Talk where I  will make a complete fool of myself :)
